The final installment of The Architect\'s Studio series at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art showcases the works of Cave_bureau, an architectural studio from Kenya. The exhibition explores the volcanic caves of Kenya, emphasizing the concept of...
De Boemerang primary school is located in Ondiep, Utrecht. Ondiep is a working-class neighborhood that is largely paved with little green. When integrating into the neighborhood, we, therefore, wanted to add greenery, retain the two monumental trees... -
The Veranda House is a weekend home situated on the outskirts of Ahmedabad city, enveloped by a lush tapestry of dense foliage. Within the plot, a retail Bonsai Boutique occupies two-thirds of the space, while ?The Veranda House? graces the back,... -
A family home that opens to the Noosa hinterland - The client?s brief was for a house that would nurture relationships with family and friends and provide an intimate connection with the surrounding landscape. They wanted a house that would make it... -
As one takes a visual tour through the city, one might spot structures that break the rhythm of finished architectural products. These are buildings encased in grids of metal or wooden sections, sometimes wrapped in colored nets, that communicate a... -
The Unfolding Pavilion is a recurring exhibition and editorial project by Daniel Tudor Munteanu and Davide Tommaso Ferrando that aims to highlight previously inaccessible but architecturally significant spaces. Now in its fourth edition, the... -
RISD President Crystal Williams brings equity + justice, fresh experiences + viewpoints to her role ? as well as her experience as a talented poet + essayist ? in this week\'s Friday Five. -
The UIA World Congress of Architects 2023 is an invitation for architects from around the world to meet in Copenhagen July 2 ? 6 to explore and communicate how architecture influences all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For more than two... -
Embark on a journey through the stunning Borgo Aratico, a historic stone farmhouse nestled in the lush landscapes of Monopoli, Italy. Designed by Floriana Errico in 2019, this distinctive real estate boasts of a perfect amalgamation of the past and... -
A group of 31 architects, studios, and designers have been invited to participate in the Sharjah Architecture Triennial from 11 November to 10 March 2023. For its second edition, the Triennial aims to explore innovative design solutions emerging... -
This project involves a 160-room hotel operated by UDS under the theme of a "public house in the city." The site is halfway up the slope from Shibuya (meaning "Shibu valley") to Aoyama (meaning a "blue mountain"),... -
Space as a gender adjacency and sexuality\'s spatial dimension are recent themes in architecture. The case of the bathroom as a gender-regulating device is a constantly discussed topic at the intersections of queer theory in architecture. The... -
Less than 100 days before the opening of the Asian Games Hangzhou, Fuyang Yinhu Sports Center is ready for the arrival of the Asian Games, the sustainable operation after the Games, and the evaluation from all walks of life. The design team of the... -
The new Vennesla church is a cornerstone for a larger church complex in Vennesla and will be a new landmark in the county of Agder, Norway. The building balances between a sacred and sculptural expression, with joint use across generations for the... -
Rancho Santa Martha is a Home that provides education to children from low-income backgrounds. Casa Estudiantes is the accommodation for them to continue their university studies. The architectural program is as follows: Women\'s room with... -