It's Spring
Isn\'t It"It is...It is...But the world sure feels strange. I am sorry I haven\'t been here much. You would think during a time when we are all suppose to be in our houses I would have plenty of time for house projects and blogging. But...
Kitchen Talk
Pretty things in the kitchen I\'m obsessed with Kitchen stuff.I go to sleep at night dreaming about how I want to redo my kitchen.  I moved into my house almost 15 years ago.When I moved in the kitchen was painted red and the backsplash was...
Sweet Valentine
 Yesterday I posted some photos of my Valentine decor in the living room.I think the dogs started barking wanting to eatand that\'s what distracted me.So today a few more photos. This is a lean year for me so I did not buy anything new.(seems...
Be Mine, Oh Valentine
We haven\'t had much sun around here of late but I managed to take a few photos of Valentines decor around the house the other day while the sun was out.  I don\'t know how I did it but I forgotto take a photo of the fireplace as a...
Let's Make a Lamp!
Cloudy day here...the perfect day to make a little lamp for the kitchen counter.I said the other day that I\'ve been looking for a tinylamp for awhile to go with the other two tiny lampson my kitchen counter. I don\'t have under cabinet...
It's My Life!
 You know how at the end of the year you feel like everything will be changed in the New Year"Anything is possible. All the things you couldn\'t get done...You\'ll some how be able to do everything in 2020.Then come the middle of January the...
A Most Merry Christmas!
 and may you sparkle in the New Year! The view out my front door onto my porch.A little of inside on Christmas Eve.more on my
A Few of My Favorite Things
for Christmas  I love vintage Shiny Brite ornaments and have collected them for years. My tree is literally drooping under the weight of all of them. Even though they are very light, I have so many it weighs down the branches.Almost everything...
Oh I Need A Little Christmas
 Just this very minute  I need a little Christmas....right now!I didn\'t think it was going to happen.  I questioned if all this would get up.But it did. Christmas Mantel 2019.I\'ll share other photos of it at night. My sister gave me...
The Turquoise Cabinet
Well, I finally finished painting and distressing my little cabinet in the living room.I bought this like three years ago with the intentions of painting and it\'s taken me this long to get to it.I might distress it more. I tend to not like things...
Much Ado About Fall
 I\'ve been MIA again. Sorry about that. Trying to make ends meet.Lots of running around. I started painting the little cabinet that sits under this window frame in the living room. I hope to put the final coat of paint on it today. But life...
Last weekend, imagine my surprise when I was browsing the latest issue of 405 magazine and I found published on it\'s cover and inside a house for which I created the interior design.Jennifer the home\'s owner needed help fast. She was going...
Day Trip
to Guthrie, Oklahoma Last weekend I took a little day trip to Guthrie, Oklahoma. This town almost seems as if time has stood still. It was the original Capitol of Oklahoma till 1910. I had always heard the state documents and state seal were stolen...
Fall at The Feathered Nest
One day last week when I should have been doing something constructive - I instead went browsing at one of my favorite shopping spots. The Feathered Nest in Warr Acres near Oklahoma City. This place never disappoints. Here is their Facebook...
A Modern Townhouse
So this is what I worked on last weekend.My client who lives here and needed help accessorizing her townhouse.She\'d bought most of her furniture already but needs help pulling it all together. I\'d helped her at the furniture store one day...
Texas Gypsy Style
 I ran across a piece of furniture on Pinterest the other day that led me to the Etsy store for a very talented lady. The shop owner for Texas Gypsy Style is Krista Mulkey. This furniture just wowed me! Look at all the layers of color!  I have a...
Living Room Projects
So since 2013 I\'ve been working as a designer in a furniture store and not home much and not blogging much.During that time all my projects got put on hold around the house except for HAVE TOprojects. Now that I\'m once again between full time...
Let's Build a Trellis
the easy wayToday\'s post is about a product I ran across on Pinterest.I didn\'t like it when Pinterest started with the ads a few years ago but darn it if I don\'t find things I need through that feature from time to time. Clothes and shoes...
Sea Shells for Summer
Just a few photos from around the living room.I decorate with shells in the summer months.I thought I\'d share because won\'t be long till it all changes to fall stuff.I bought that little ocean life painting off Ebay.It was painted in the...
Open House Sunday!!!
Today...a Special Treat... built 1938I have always loved this little house in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Oklahoma City.I\'ve been in it before but this time....it\'s had a complete redo.It\'s got modern touches and lots of...
Summer Around the Cottage
cause I got nowhere else to be Thought I\'d post a few shots taken in the living room.Oh we\'re in full on summer now, baby!Days over 100 degrees every day!My computer died on me two weeks ago.Of course I had just taken a new design job that I...
Carol's House
This is the house of a client of mine, Carol. I designed several rooms in her home.On my first trip to the house to measure the roomsshe said to me. "I hate my house.It\'s not my style at all."She had only been in the house a few years and I...
Of Rain Chains
and such... Last week I finally got around to hanging my rain chain I bought months ago.I decided I must have one after viewing themhung from the gutters of a bungalow not far from me.I\'ll show that bungalow below.I got this rain chain at ROSS...
Happy 4th of July!
Hope you all have a very patriotic day.A bunch of flags stuck in a fern express my patriotism.I\'m so happy a few of you found me already now that I\'m back.You asked for updates on the dogs. I still have Sally and Franklin.I lost Violet in...
Open House Sunday!!!!!
built 1939Well.....it\'s been a long time....hasn\'t it"I never meant to be gone so long but your know life gets very busy these days.I\'ll catch you up with what I\'ve been doing in other posts. Not that it\'s fascinating. It\'s...