Small Closet Organization: A Budget Friendly Redo, Part II.
 It\'s done!  Whew!  The small closet organization, a budget friendly redo part II is done!  Well crap.  I had this fab post all typed up, done, then with one random mis-swipe, accidentally deleted the whole darn thing, lost forever....
5 Minute Decor Craft: Scrap Wood Doggie Faces.
 Right, so while we wait for some peel and stick wallpaper to arrive for my office closet project, let?s do something fun.  A 5 minute decor craft project, scrap wood doggie faces.  Fun!  Joy!  Yay!Gah, precious, right"!"! It?s no secret, I...
Small Closet Organization: A Budget Friendly Redo, Part I.
 All right my friends, time for small closet organization, a budget friendly redo at that.  We\'re back in my office today with this reorganizing bid\'ness.First, I want to apologize, yet again, for being away so long so much.  I might, hm,...
Thrift Store Mirror Gallery Wall.
So this spiffy, easy, lil\' DIY decor project, a Thrift Store Mirror Gallery Wall has been on my to-do list for quite some time.How\'s that"  Well, it\'s thrift store hunting which is a process.  If you\'re me, that is; not always making...
How to DIY: A Travels Shadow Box.
 I suppose this how to DIY:  a travels shadow box is maybe not super revolutionary nor a new concept.  Hopefully, though, it?s an idea that strikes your fancy or flips a creative switch on in your head.So yeah, Mike and I took that trip to...
A DIY: The Stair Project. Part Four, The Landing.
 Whooo it\'s been an embarrassing stitch of time here, getting back onto the DIY Stair Project.  I\'ve been a tad busy.  But today, we\'re one step (ahhhhh haaa ha, pun) closer to done with the landing.Yes, the landing.  Finally.  Omg....
How-to DIY: Scrap Wood Tray Picture Frames.
 Yes, another scrap wood DIY how-to today!  Seriously, I know.  But hey, I?ve got too much scrap wood.  So all right, let\'s make tray picture frames!I will gush momentarily, these are snazzy.  Especially since you can customize them any...
Actual Travel: Faroe Islands + Travel Tips.
 Ah here we are, the last in my series of Actual Travel (as opposed to our tours that take you around if you prefer.Considering the vast majority of roads are (very well maintained or new) twisty turn-y curvy, unlit snug two-lane numbers, and...
Cedar Flower Mobile.
 Aw now isn\'t this just the darn cutest thing, this Cedar Flower Mobile"!  All in less than 30 minutes!Here\'s the trouble I run into sometimes....I\'ll not know the correct name for something or dive into a broad search for something on...
Variety Pack: It?s the Little Things.
 We already know the details are not the details so indeed, it truly is the little things that make a major difference.  Hence a Variety Pack of little things!Honestly, I haven?t had much time to get to anything big or on my to-do list or the...
How To DIY: Modern Concrete and Rebar Outdoor Solar Lights.
 Well this is a nifty little project!  How to DIY concrete and rebar outdoor solar lights!  They\'re really quite easy too!I\'m always on a quest to light up the outdoors with subtle decorative low-light solar lighting as I\'ve pointed out,...
Slatted Wood Wall Panel Kitchen Doorway Glow-Up.
 Yeah so maybe you saw a fun little video of this project over on my Instagram or maybe over on my TikTok but it appears, according to my records, I have yet to share it here.  Doh, what an oversight!  Yes, I made slatted wood wall panels for our...
Actual Travel: Scotland, Week two.
 Ah, look at me in a semi-timely manner getting the week two of actual travel, week two of our Scotland trip shared with you!If you remember week one, we were on a whirlwind tour planned by
Another Wall Mounted Mirror (with clips) Frame.
 I alluded to this nifty project in my ol\' Dollar Store DIY Decor:  Beaded Towel Ring post a short moment ago.  Yes, it\'s another wall mounted mirror (with clips) frame.Yay too, another in a lovely line of spiffy scrap wood...
How to: Repair a Wall.
 There are a zillion tutorials out there on how to repair a wall, for sure.  What makes this one different"Well.  Heh.  Back there in our now-fancy closet, after putting up that beautiful WE Cork wall and then putting the newly extended...
Dollar Store DIY Decor: Beaded Towel Ring.
 Ah ha, another in a series of
How to: Install a Kitchen Faucet and Replace a Garbage Disposal.
 Ugh I tell ya...Why does everything break at once"!  Ya know"!  I\'m not necessarily a believer in Mercury Retrograde but seriously, lately", I might change my tune.  So today, it\'s how to install a kitchen faucet and replace a garbage...
Actual Trip: Scotland, Week One.
 So I know this isn\'t DIY or home improvement or project related or even a Web Trip but I did promise I\'d share more about my actual trip, my Scotland travels.  And since it\'s been a year to date, this seems a very overdue yet fitting...
Light and Paint it Up: How to Have a Fun Bathroom.
 Sometimes you realize you\'re heading in the wrong direction design-wise.  And that is a-okay.  Both the realization and the wrong direction.  So today, let\'s light and paint it up with how to have a fun bathroom!See, everything that can...
It?s Web Tripping Time!
 Whew, whooo doggie, it\'s been a flurry of activity around these parts of late, eh"  I may be pooped but my head is a?-whirl with a zillion projects while some are languishing (ugh) or mid-point?or, just not presentable here yet, so it?s web...
Spring Cleaning: Master Closet Part IV: How to Deepen and Extend Shelves.
 So to be quite frank, this was the project that originally kicked off the Dead Flat VarnishNow, wait what the heck is WeatherWash and where did that come from", you\'re wondering.  I had some left from a wildly cool project that I\'ll...
Paint Can Planter with Dowels.
 Back at it with that was a terrifying read.  Into the trash the pills went.  Never again.He didn\'t have any other symptoms that warranted an emergency vet visit but let\'s just say I watched him like a wide-eyed hawk until the pill was...
Spring Cleaning: Master Closet Part III, A WE Cork Wall.
 More spring cleaning in the master closet with part III and today I bring you a WE Cork wall.  And holy moly my goodness, oh my word, it is glorious.  Glorious.Yes.  That\'s right.  A wall of WE Cork bark panels.  So yes, I took down all of...
Spring Cleaning: Master Closet Part II, A Stikwood Ceiling.
 You guys.  We have the coolest closet ceiling, ever.  Ever.  We\'re pressing on (ah the pun) with the spring cleaning, master closet part II, and I am here with a Stikwood ceiling.And again, it is The Coolest.  When I first envisioned this...
A Variety Pack.
 A Variety Pack!  Yay!  It\'s been a while!  Boy, I\'m getting spotty with my Variety Packs, yikes.Well I\'m back with another one then!Which is great because I\'ve got hot tips for you, cool ideas, and this post will contain two, yes...