Fantastic Collections of Architectural Sketches
Fantastic collections of architectural sketches are always welcomed because that is how you learn, how to inspire and improve yourself. It is good to make as many sketches as you can in order to practice and to improve your skills. Also, the more...
Unbelievable Architectural Fails and Consequences
Unbelievable fails and mistakes will surely leave you astonished. Firstly, the reaction may be laughter and unbelief, but in fact, these fails can be very serious and with some serious consequences. As you can see on the pictures, they can be...
Swimming Pool Construction Tips and Instructions
Swimming pool is one of the things that is on almost everyone’s wish list. So, the wish list is made to be fulfilled and realized. Therefore, why not go a step further and see the instructions here. Generally, making a pool in your home is not a...
Concepts and Diagrams of Modern Architectural Plans
Concepts and diagrams are in inseparable relationship and they make it easier to understand the projects. In other words, without these concept maps and diagrams the engineers, technicians, constructors could not organize. So, they use universal...
Shapes and Different Uses of Trusses
Shapes and uses differentiate the types of trusses. Normally, not every construction and not every plan is the same. So, depending on the size, depending on the type and depending on the needs, you should pick the adequate truss. First of all, you...
Game-Changing Tool for Simple Making of Bricks
Game-changing tool for making bricks is one of those inventions that are so simple, yet so genius. The inventors will surely be praised by the construction workers. Generally, this tool will make their work much more faster, easier and more precise....
Options for Basic Perspectives for Beginners
Options for the types of perspectives are explained in this post and they are very simple, yet effective. Beginners first should understand which perspective is which and then how to draw in it. First of all there are several types of perspectives:...
References for Building Several Varieties of the Spiral Stairs
References are a handy thing which can both inspire and help you with understanding the construction of the spiral stairs. Generally, most of us consider these stairs are more beautiful and more luxurious, but they are also more complicated for...
Safety Tips for Construction Workers
Safety of the workers is the most important thing in the whole process. First of all you should have a good project that meets all of the regulations. Then, the investors should hire professionals that are also educated how to work properly and be...
Best Design References for Theatres
Best design references are here presented here in this post. We all know that the theatre as a project is a huge investment. Also, there are many rules that should be followed in order to build a proper and fully functional theatre. So, the theatre...
Engineering Details for Retaining Walls
Engineering details can be very helpful. Simply, not only we can see the ready designs that can be used immediately, but we can use them for further examinations and further redesigning. If we need different dimensions or different type of retaining...
Collapsing of an Old Building in China
Collapsing of old and unsafe buildings is a regular practice in the more technologically advanced countries. Generally, it is a strictly controlled, studied and regulated process. But, after the examinations and the correct placement of the...
Stabilizing the Gravel in Paths or Parks
Stabilizing the gravel is one of the most important things when making a path or maybe a drive way. Generally, these are projects that you can do them yourself, but surely you will need some instructions beforehand. The easiest way is to use grids...
Circle as an Inspiration for Various Designs
Circle as a shape carries the most symbolism of all shapes. It presents wholeness, eternity, infinity, timelessness. So, it is more than obvious that all of these symbolic meanings will inspire architects and designers. As you can see on the...
U-shaped Damper for Protection from Earthquakes
U-shaped dampers are one of the latest and most successful innovations in this field. We all know that the forces of the nature can not be predicted and they can have terrible consequences. Thus, the scientists and the engineers do their best to...
Procedures for Designing and Constructing a Septic Tank
Procedures for designing and constructing a septic tank are precisely detailed and regulated. Mostly because it is not an easy task and project for one person. If you need a septic tank, you really need to hire professionals who will plan, design...
Usage of the Wind and Its Force in Constructions
Usage of the natural forces is very important elements that make one construction complete and more effective. If you cleverly use the natural forces, your buildings will have more pleasant temperatures and air flow. One of the most important...
Affordable Tiny Home and Construction Plans
Affordable homes are very attractive. Not everyone is willing to spend a treasure for home, regardless of their status and their possibilities. On the other hand, there are more people that do not have big budgets but they normally want a nice and...
Sliding House in Margate, Kent
Sliding house might look like a disaster on the first sight. But it is all planned chaos which became a famous attraction in Margate, Kent. The artist behind this project is Alex Chinneck who did a remake to the old mid-19th century house. He...
Three-Dimensional Presentations of Fantastic Projects
Three-dimensional presentations of the projects give us a detailed preview of the final outcome. With the modern technology, we can have a sneak-peak of every corner of the projects. Generally, we can see the realistic images of the rooms which also...
Construction of Spiraled Stairs
Construction of spiraled stairs might sound a little bit scary and complicated, but if you give the job to the real professionals, you will have no reason to be scared. On the contrary, you will have a wonderful result with this type of stairs....
Luxurious Villa Designed by Emporio
Luxurious villa by the architects and the engineers in Emporio. As you can see on the images below, you will immediately notice the different design and the elegance. The house seems very intimate and you can not have much insight from the street....
Analyzing the Projects in Depth
Analyzing the projects and seeing the advantages and the disadvantages is a very important aspect in the planning and the constructing. Generally, you should always take into consideration the natural forces. Consequently, if you smartly use them,...
Complete Guide for Designing Staircases
Complete guidelines for designing stairs, give you examples and the best solutions for different types of stairs. Every space have need for different projects and different type of stairs. So, you have to be fairly acquainted with the...
Reduce the Temperature with the Help from the Earth
Reduce the temperature with the usage of cooling systems which are installed in the Earth. Generally, they mainly use the power of the ground for cooling and ventilating. For instance, if you have temperature of 33 degrees coming in the system, in...