It?s Web Tripping Time!
Whew, whooo doggie, it's been a flurry of activity around these parts of late, eh" I may be pooped but my head is a?-whirl with a zillion projects while some are languishing (ugh) or mid-point?or, just not presentable here yet, so it?s web tripping time!
Web trips are fun! As always, I stockpiled a cool and interesting collection of random or whatever nifty stuff from around the internet for you. And as usual, I see I have quite a collection so it'll be tough to narrow things down for today's web trip!
Let's bake up some Cinnamon Rolls and cozy in! Or jeez, bake up anything and cozy in!
Should we start with color" Yes, let's start with color!
Go Mike with the fantastic bee, butterfly, coneflower photo in our backyard!Because, I'm realizing, or really I should say remembering, I am a joyous fan of big bold color, think it should be used everywhere and often, and it's important to live colorfully. It's happy. Color is happy. And thank goodness Mike is a fan of bold color too, whew! I knew I loved him for a reason (well, many reasons!).
It's not that I forgot per se, but ya know, sometimes we all get a little tunnel vision and things slip through the cracks.
Dwell has a delightful little tour, 9 Homes in a Range of Hues that are Anything But Barbie Pink. Fun! Super fun. Love all the bright happy copious amounts of color.
Next up, Apartment Therapy has this brief ditty, a before and after: ...
Flipping the Flip
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Villa M by Pierattelli Architetture Modernizes 1950s Florence Estate
31-10-2024 03:55 - (
architecture )
Leça da Palmeira House by Raulino Silva
31-10-2024 03:55 - (
architecture )