How-to DIY: Scrap Wood Tray Picture Frames.

Yes, another scrap wood DIY how-to today! Seriously, I know. But hey, I?ve got too much scrap wood. So all right, let's make tray picture frames!
I will gush momentarily, these are snazzy. Especially since you can customize them any which way until Sunday. Into the next week even. Truly the possibilities are boundless here.
Ultimately I should thank two things for this project, well ok, three: Glenfarclas then my new Bora wall mount storage rack* then the Mackintosh House gift shop. And ok ok, four: myself.
In mixed up order" Myself: I finally cleared out the monster mess of scrap wood buried in my rolling door work table. What a feel-good moment that was, whew, wow. Check and mark. My new storage rack: that?s where most of the wood went so not only is it organized, it?s organized by type and kind And best of all, I can very clearly see what the hell I?ve got so I can actually use it. Nice.
Two pats in the back there, yessir-y. Maybe three as the rack was easy to install, got it up in no time with some big butch screws. Big butch screws are fun.
Ok, Glenfarclas" Well obviously that?s what got me over to Scotland in the first place, so ongoing and forever grateful thank you?s there.
Lastly, the Mackintosh House at the Hunterian, the gift shop.
I very distinctly remember way back in college, eons ago, sitting in a...
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