Fall DIY: Leaf Sun Catcher Wall Hanging Thingie
I'm probably a tad late with this fall DIY leaf sun catcher wall hanging thingie. I'm a punctual human, early even, but it appears never so with posting timely or seasonal projects. Heh, my apologies.
Maybe you still have time by you though. Or, if worse comes to worst, you can save this for next year. I'll be sure to reshare when the season is nigh.
Or, you could possibly use faux leaves from the craft or dollar store maybe.
Right, ok, first, what the heck am I talking about"
Flying back from Scotland, we had a layover in Heathrow which allowed for browsing.
All my life, I've been a shopper. Would go shopping with my mom. Worked professionally for years shopping props for theater. Shop for stuff for the house, ya know, shopper. My skills are honed. Shopping is great but it is abusive to one's wallet. Especially when you happen to be overseas and shopping opportunities abound.
Anyway, I pointlessly digress.
I don't get to fly much but when I do, I'm an old-school weirdo and enjoy a pile of actual paper magazines to peruse. I had intended to buy a few at home and definitely intended to for the return trip.
Well lo. American print magazines at the newsstand, for one issue, costs more than a year's subscription in many cases. Couldn't justify it. But, can't help myself, bought three at Heathrow as they were more sensibly priced. And from England.
One, in particular...
Flipping the Flip
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