and so

and so

There really is no ideal place to start.... i am here... i am alive....i am humble and i am being am also a tad ashamed and honoured..... despite being blatantly absent/distant/slack/presumed dead, i have noticed continued daily...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
ebay crush

ebay crush

Oh oh i want. I am in love with
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
sun is shining...

sun is shining...

..... and i\'m preparing my \'outdoor room\' currently known as windswept tatty garden, but i\'m working on it whenever we get a scrap of that rare thing called sun. Hmmm.Lots of inspiration on this.........via flickr, pinterest, the black...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
happy friday

happy friday

I love this picture - it fills me with power and beauty!! Crazy maybe, as who would go out with vile yellow lippy... but it looks fab..Keeping my fingers crossed for a sunny weekend, maybe with some pimms ;)Happy friday x.
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
mid week musing

mid week musing

exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
tiny sneak peek

tiny sneak peek

SO here\'s a tiny sneak peak of our new house, we\'ve been in about 7 weeks (ish) but still have loads to do....i\'m so impatient and want it all done NOW. I\'ve come to the conclusion that i\'m hopeless at taking room photos, i always...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
white wednesday

white wednesday

exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
cherner choices

cherner choices

No not that i am actually purchasing one to make the choice. Unfortunately. But i always thought i\'d go for the beautiful walnut finish, am loving the cool coloured one below though....
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
winter's moon

winter's moon

I need to buy something soon. My fave pics from winter\'s moon.....
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
inspiration again

inspiration again

 Love the room above, i am actually that sad i have this photo as my desktop wallpaper.  Loving the room above too.... our new house has a dining room with sloping roof and beams! Sooooo excited :)Noticed that i can easily post much bigger photos...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05


I have just realised that i haven\'t provided an excuse for my slight absense from blogging this past week or so... do i need to"" I have a valid reason - i have joined a gym! A proper gym, no more half hearted wii-fit or exercise dvds. I want...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
mid century inspiration returns

mid century inspiration returns

Back with a completely random mix of mid century rooms and decor....... via plastolux, fffound, emma\'s
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
German vintage

German vintage

Look what i found on etsy from joandsonja vintage shop. Well, actually they found me but it\'s gorgeous and i want them all.... this set almost matches my blog header which makes me want even more :) . And just for fun....viaCheck out their...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
back soon

back soon

exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
tasty trays

tasty trays

Ok excuse the terrible post title.... but i am loving these retro trays from swedish website signerat
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
preparing for a comeback....

preparing for a comeback....

exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
friday faves

friday faves

Hey i\'m back.... with a collection of beauty for friday :)
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
vogue living

vogue living

Beautiful Vogue living magazine spread..... via
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
interior mix

interior mix

random interior inspiration but always white walls...... always   
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
mid century mix

mid century mix

Monday\'s mixture of pure beauty.... i want an anglepoise lamp that gorgeous.... via
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
bathroom bliss

bathroom bliss

Loving the stunning rays from heaven effect in the bathroom above! But is it a some kind of special skylight or is it just a random shower"! Or am i just dim..And i think i may have developed a pretty blissful obsession with wood cladding.......
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05


Surprise!! :)  :)After what seems like possibly actual YEARS i am back! I knew i couldn\'t leave my inspiration bubble forever but my subconsious was kinda waiting for the urge to return..... i didn\'t deliberately abandon it. Honest. Partly my...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
vw camper love

vw camper love

It\'s that time of year, we are back in camper land! I can\'t wait to get out in Edie (bought last summer), i\'ve done quite a bit of work on personalising her interior to my style..... which i\'ll be sharing once finished..Happy days are on...
exterior decoration - 2019-02-26 19:02:05
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