Nestled away from the bustling metropolis of Hefei, Anhui Province, the Horizon Library stands as an idyllic retreat for readers seeking solace in nature, storytelling, and imagination amongst the prairies of Dawei Village. The architecture embodies...
When the in-floor radiant piping failed in the slab of this 2,700-square-foot historic modern home from the 1930s, the owners were presented with a challenging decision. The Greentree Residence, a house located in Bloomfield Township, Michigan,... -
Designed by the award-winning firm A Parallel Architecture, the Rollingwood Residence in Rollingwood, Texas, USA, is a stunning example of contemporary residential architecture. This single-family house, built in 2021, seamlessly blends the... -
The JDE Peet\'s office, designed by BIT CREATIVE, occupies an expansive area exceeding 800 square meters, echoing the rich flavors and scents of the coffee and tea that the brand is renowned for.
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This innovative Net Zero Home, designed by Martin Architects in New York, NY, offers a striking example of sustainable design. The project, completed in 2019, features a modular steel shell and a unique “T†layout that overcomes site... -
This house on a large, wooded lot in the Flanders region of Belgium offered SAOTA an opportunity to design a distinctive contemporary architectural object in the landscape that would simultaneously serve as a warm, outward-looking living environment... -
The idea for this 110m2 apartment, located in the Flamengo neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, aims to expand the existing spaces, delimited by the original configuration, creating new possibilities and variations. The main challenge came with the... -
Kitchen islands are extremely popular, but sometimes a peninsula is the right option for a layout. Like an island, a peninsula adds countertop space for meal prep, gives kids a spot to enjoy a snack and provides additional storage with lower... -
When Wallace S. Broecker first introduced the concept of global warming in the 1970s, society probably didn\'t anticipate the implications of this phenomenon. Today, more than 50 years later, we have stopped predicting an adverse climate scenario... -
Set within a rolling grove of Oaks in New York, NY, United States, the Clearwater house designed by Martin Architects in 2021 showcases a stunning blend of modern and rustic elements. This 1970s-inspired residence has been meticulously updated,... -
These candle holders are melting away the ordinary, casting a golden glow on what seems to be the most stylish meltdown in decor history. Get it on Amazon. Recommended Reading: 50 Unique Tea Light Holders To Light Up Your Occasion For more... -
The central concern of the Feld 4 housing cooperative was the creation of spaces for collective living with intensive, neighborly interaction in the sense of a family house community. The participatory planning began with the first fundamental... -
Designed by renowned architecture firm Martin Architects, the Edge of Woods house in New York, NY, United States, is a captivating example of modern residential design. Sited to maximize natural light and connectivity with the surrounding mature... -
The proposed Fedje Hotel, designed by Todd Saunders, symbolizes this spirit of reinvention and community collaboration. It promises to be more than just a place to stay; it represents a catalyst for economic growth, cultural revitalization, and... -
After their home was affected by a fire, our clients embarked on a life-changing journey, choosing the vibrant landscapes of Costa Rica for a fresh start. In their pursuit of a connection with nature and a dynamic, active lifestyle for their family,... -
The Hambud House, designed by Iranian architect Mohammad Hadianpour, is a remarkable residential project that seeks to address the unique challenges of its Ilam, Iran, context. Situated in a city characterized by high-density construction and... -
Highsnobiety presents the Gustaf Westman Collection with the eponymous designer in a showcase of ceramics and apparel, anchored by the Chunky Spiky Cup. -